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Free Divinatory Tarot

The Tarot is an iconic set of richly illustrated cards, distinguished by its cultural heritage and its role in the art of divination. These cards, known for their deep symbolism, are used worldwide, captivating both esoteric enthusiasts and art history lovers.

Yes / No Tarot Reading

Whether you seek clarity, guidance, or a simple answer to your questions, the Yes/No Tarot Reading is here to illuminate your path every day.

Major Arcana

The Major Arcana are a series of cards in the Tarot, also known as the “Great Arcana.” They consist of 22 cards, each featuring a number and a symbolic image.

The Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana in the Tarot de Marseille are a category of cards distinct from the Major Arcana. While the Major Arcana are often seen as archetypes or significant life stages, the Minor Arcana represent the more everyday and practical aspects of human experience.

These cards are divided into four suits, each associated with an aspect of life:

Wands: Linked to creativity, action, willpower, and energy.

Cups: Represent emotions, relationships, and the emotional realm.

Coins: Relate to material aspects such as wealth, career, and possessions.

Swords: Symbolize intellect, thought, conflicts, and challenges.

Each suit contains 14 cards, numbered from Ace to 10, followed by four court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King. The Minor Arcana add depth and nuance to tarot readings, offering a more detailed understanding of situations.

Tarot Card Combinations

In Tarot, each card holds its own energy and symbolism, but when two cards come together, they create a new dimension of meaning.

Our Tarot card combination search engine is designed to help you explore these interactions, providing an in-depth analysis for each card pair drawn and guiding you toward a deeper understanding of your current circumstances.