With the Six of Swords, we address the theme of safe passage through complications. At the intersection of other cards, it suggests a time of adjustment and balance. It encourages embracing limitations and using them to your advantage, in search of balance rather than confrontation. Diplomacy and mediation are key to refining your strategy.
- Six of Swords and The Magician
- Six of Swords and The Popess
- Six of Swords and The Empress
- Six of Swords and The Emperor
- Six of Swords and The Pope
- Six of Swords and The Lover
- Six of Swords and The Chariot
- Six of Swords and Justice
- Six of Swords and The Hermit
- Six of Swords and The Wheel of Fortune
- Six of Swords and The Force
- Six of Swords and The Hanged Man
- Six of Swords and The Death
- Six of Swords and Temperance
- Six of Swords and The Devil
- Six of Swords and The Tower
- Six of Swords and The Star
- Six of Swords and The Moon
- Six of Swords and The Sun
- Six of Swords and Judgment
- Six of Swords and The World
- Six of Swords and The Fool
- Six of Swords and Ace of Wands
- Six of Swords and Two of Wands
- Six of Swords and Three of Wands
- Six of Swords and Four of Wands
- Six of Swords and Five of Wands
- Six of Swords and Six of Wands
- Six of Swords and Seven of Wands
- Six of Swords and Eight of Wands
- Six of Swords and Nine of Wands
- Six of Swords and Ten of Wands
- Six of Swords and Page of Wands
- Six of Swords and Knight of Wands
- Six of Swords and Queen of Wands
- Six of Swords and King of Wands
- Six of Swords and Ace of Cups
- Six of Swords and Two of Cups
- Six of Swords and Three of Cups
- Six of Swords and Four of Cups
- Six of Swords and Five of Cups
- Six of Swords and Six of Cups
- Six of Swords and Seven of Cups
- Six of Swords and Eight of Cups
- Six of Swords and Nine of Cups
- Six of Swords and Ten of Cups
- Six of Swords and Page of Cups
- Six of Swords and Knight of Cups
- Six of Swords and Queen of Cups
- Six of Swords and King of Cups
- Six of Swords and Ace of Coins
- Six of Swords and Two of Coins
- Six of Swords and Three of Coins
- Six of Swords and Four of Coins
- Six of Swords and Five of Coins
- Six of Swords and Six of Coins
- Six of Swords and Seven of Coins
- Six of Swords and Eight of Coins
- Six of Swords and Nine of Coins
- Six of Swords and Ten of Coins
- Six of Swords and Page of Coins
- Six of Swords and Knight of Coins
- Six of Swords and Queen of Coins
- Six of Swords and King of Coins
- Six of Swords and Ace of Swords
- Six of Swords and Two of Swords
- Six of Swords and Three of Swords
- Six of Swords and Four of Swords
- Six of Swords and Five of Swords
- Six of Swords and Seven of Swords
- Six of Swords and Eight of Swords
- Six of Swords and Nine of Swords
- Six of Swords and Ten of Swords
- Six of Swords and Page of Swords
- Six of Swords and Knight of Swords
- Six of Swords and Queen of Swords
- Six of Swords and King of Swords