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The Chariot

    "Carte de tarot Le Chariot illustrant un guerrier triomphant conduisant un char


    At the heart of the spiritual journey that tarot offers, The Chariot acts as a compass for the soul. It represents victory, success, and self-realization through determination and control. The Chariot is a powerful symbol, inviting reflection, personal growth, and spiritual flourishing. Its meaning resonates with the deep aspirations of being.

    Meaning of The Chariot card

    The Chariot is the seventh card of the Tarot. It symbolizes movement, travel, victory, and control. This card indicates progress, a forward movement towards a goal. It can also represent a determined and ambitious individual.


    triumph, control, will, success, determination, journey, ambition, direction, self-discipline, courage, movement, progress, victory, transport, vehicle, advancement, conquest.

    The Chariot upright

    The Chariot, upright, symbolizes success, ambition, and determination. This card represents mastery and control, indicating that you have the strength and will to overcome obstacles. It encourages you to stay focused on your goals and to show discipline to achieve victory. It is a positive sign for advancement and success in your projects.

    The Chariot reversed

    When The Chariot from the Tarot appears reversed, it may indicate a lack of control or direction. You might feel obstacles hindering your progress or a loss of mastery over your path. It is time to reassess your strategy and find a way to overcome challenges without rushing. Take a moment to realign your goals and your will.

    The Chariot in love

    The Chariot in love symbolizes a dynamic and victorious relationship. It is a sign of romantic conquest or a strong commitment. You may be in full control of your love life, moving forward with confidence and determination. This card encourages taking the reins of your love life and steering towards a desired future. It is a favorable moment to triumph over emotional obstacles.

    Combinations with The Chariot

    The Chariot is a card of movement and progress. It brings a dynamic and determined energy to a reading, often indicating significant advances and victories. In interaction with other cards, it may indicate the need for decisive action or concentrated effort. It can also amplify the energy of surrounding cards, giving a boost to the realization of their potentials. See The Chariot and its combinations

    Here is the vessel of will, the ship of determination, sailing on the tumultuous seas of life. The Chariot, a carriage of steel and will, pulled by steeds of light and shadow, symbols of the balance between day and night, good and evil. It moves forward, unshakeable, on the winding path of existence, driven by the force of ambition and the thirst for victory. It is the conqueror, the traveler, the explorer of the unknown, the master of its destiny. It is embodied courage, personified audacity, the incarnation of perseverance. It is The Chariot, the vehicle of the soul, the transporter of the spirit, the driver of life.