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The Death

    "Carte de tarot La Mort illustrant un squelette en armure chevauchant un cheval blanc


    The adventure in the world of tarot begins with The Death. It can represent the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another. The Death speaks directly to the mind, awakening consciousness and intuition. Its presence reveals the hidden paths of the spirit, leading to a profound personal and universal revelation.

    Meaning of The Death card

    The Death, the thirteenth card of the Tarot, symbolizes change, transformation, and the end of a cycle. It does not indicate a physical death, but rather a transition to something new. It is a card of renewal and rebirth.


    change, transformation, end, new beginning, transition, liberation, end of cycle, renewal, inevitable, death, rebirth

    The Death upright

    The card of The Death, often numbered XIII, symbolizes deep change, the end of a cycle, and the beginning of a new one. Upright, it suggests a necessary transformation, the conclusion of one phase to make way for the new. It is not necessarily a negative card; it invites acceptance of change to progress and renew.

    The Death reversed

    When the card of The Death appears reversed in a Tarot reading, it can symbolize resistance to change or difficulty in letting go of the past. This may indicate a delayed transition or a transformation that is blocked. It is time to reflect on what needs to be released to allow for renewal and personal growth.

    The Death in love

    The card of The Death in the Tarot, when it concerns love, suggests a deep transformation. This may indicate the end of a relationship or an emotional cycle, thus making way for the new. It is an invitation to let go of past attachments to embrace the changes and rebirth that may arise in your love life.

    Combinations with The Death

    The card of The Death, although often misunderstood, brings a tone of deep transformation and renewal. It can indicate the end of one phase and the beginning of another, affecting other cards by signaling a major change or transition. This card can also intensify themes of liberation and healing in a spread, or suggest the need to let go of what no longer serves. See The Death and its combinations

    Here is the silent dancer, the reaper of the eternal ballet. She dances on the thread of existence, her black veil floating in the wind of fate. She is the end and the beginning, the last note of a symphony and the first silence that follows. She is the twilight that embraces the day, the last leaf that falls in autumn. She is the last grain of sand in the hourglass, the last star that fades in the night sky. She is The Death, the sweet melody of eternal silence.