Each tarot card is a world to discover, and The Hermit is one of those worlds. This card invites an inner journey, a search for oneself. The Hermit is an invitation to dive into the ocean of consciousness, to navigate towards unexplored horizons of oneself. It is the beginning of an inner dialogue, a call to spiritual adventure.
Meaning of The Hermit card

The Hermit in the Tarot symbolizes wisdom, reflection, and patience. It represents a person seeking truth and knowledge by withdrawing from the outside world. This card can also indicate a need for solitude and meditation.
solitude, introspection, search, wisdom, caution, patience, reflection, guidance, spirituality, knowledge, isolation, meditation
The Hermit upright
The Hermit reversed
The Hermit in love
Combinations with The Hermit
In the silence of the night, a solitary figure walks, bearer of a solitary light. He is the hermit, the traveler of the unknown, the seeker of truth. His cloak is heavy with solitude, but also with wisdom. He carries a lantern, a captive star that lights his path. He is the guardian of silence, the master of patience, the sage who listens to the whisper of the wind and the murmur of the stars. He is the passage of time, the silence that speaks, the light that guides. He is the hermit, the solitary traveler, the sage who seeks and finds.