The adventure in the world of tarot begins with The Pope. He represents moral authority, respect for traditions and rules. The Pope speaks directly to the spirit, awakening consciousness and intuition. His presence reveals the hidden paths of the mind, leading to a profound personal and universal revelation.
Meaning of the card The Pope

The Pope in Tarot symbolizes wisdom, education, and counsel. He also represents spiritual authority, tradition, and morality. This card can indicate a period of learning or mentoring.
spirituality, wisdom, counsel, tradition, teaching, authority, blessing, stability, religion, guidance, knowledge, mentor, education, hierarchy, orthodoxy, dogma, faith, paternity, morality, ethics.
The Pope upright
The Pope reversed
The Pope in love
Combinations with The Pope
Here is the guardian of celestial secrets, the bridge between the visible and the invisible. He is the wise one, the patriarch, the elder, sitting on his throne of truth, holding in his hand the scepter of divine authority. His gaze is deep as the ocean, full of wisdom and knowledge. He is the keeper of the golden key, the master of divine mysteries, the guide of lost souls. He is The Pope, the pontiff, the spiritual father, the guide of the lost. He is the beacon in the night, the morning star, the guardian of faith. He is The Pope, the keeper of divine secrets, the bridge between heaven and earth.