At the heart of the spiritual journey that tarot offers, The Star acts as a compass for the soul. It represents divine guidance, encouraging us to follow our intuition and dreams. The Star is a powerful symbol, inviting reflection, personal growth, and spiritual flourishing. Its meaning resonates with the deep aspirations of being.
Meaning of The Star card

The Star is a tarot card that symbolizes hope, spirituality, and inspiration. It indicates a period of peace and serenity, where you can expect blessings and divine guidance. It is a very positive card.
guidance, hope, inspiration, creativity, serenity, spirituality, positivity, dreams, destiny, universe, balance, harmony, peace, clairvoyance, future, positive energy, optimism, calm, meditation, illumination
The Star upright
The Star reversed
The Star in love
Combinations with The Star
Here is the celestial dancer, the sower of hope, who dances on the thread of infinity. She is the light that guides lost souls, the melody that cradles broken hearts. She is the star that shines in the darkness, the promise of a new day. She is the rain that nourishes the earth, the breath that caresses the sea. She is the beauty that lights up the night, the dream that awakens the spirit. She is the star, the eternal traveler, who traces her path in the sky, sowing seeds of hope in the hearts of those who look at her.