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The Tower

    "Carte de tarot La Maison Dieu illustrant une tour frappée par la foudre


    The adventure in the world of tarot begins with The Tower. It can represent a crisis, a rupture, or a revelation. The Tower speaks directly to the mind, awakening consciousness and intuition. Its presence reveals the hidden paths of the spirit, leading to a profound personal and universal revelation.

    Meaning of The Tower card

    The Tower, in the Tarot, symbolizes a sudden upheaval, a rupture, or a revelation. It can indicate a major change, often unexpected, that may be perceived as destructive but generally leads to a positive transformation.


    change, upheaval, destruction, liberation, surprise, revelation, transformation, crisis, end of an era, renewal.

    The Tower upright

    The Tower upright often symbolizes a period of radical transformation. This card can represent a revelation or a sudden change that destroys established structures to allow for new construction. It is an invitation to view unexpected changes as opportunities for growth. It encourages letting go of the old to embrace renewal with courage and optimism.

    The Tower reversed

    The Tower reversed may suggest a period of disorder or confusion narrowly avoided. You may have managed to escape a chaotic situation or a major upheaval. This card invites you to reflect on stability and seek stronger foundations to avoid future disasters. Take this as a warning to build with caution.

    The Tower in love

    The Tower, in the context of love, can symbolize a period of upheavals or sudden revelations. It is an invitation to rebuild on more solid foundations after a trial or an awakening. It encourages leaving behind illusions to embrace a more authentic truth in the romantic relationship.

    Combinations with The Tower

    The Tower is a card of upheaval and radical change. It can indicate a rupture or a sudden end in the situations represented by the other cards. It can also bring a brutal awakening, forcing a new perspective. However, despite its chaotic appearance, it can also signify a necessary liberation, a means to break the chains of the past for a new beginning. See The Tower and its combinations

    Here is the castle of the heavens, torn by the fury of the invisible, a tower of certainties shaken by the divine breath. The crowns of arrogance are thrown to the ground, the foundations of pride are shaken. The lightning of truth tears the veil of illusion, revealing the fragility of our human constructions. It is the dance of chaos and transformation, the cry of rebirth in the tumult. The Tower is the mirror of our fears and hopes, the reminder that all that rises must fall, that all that is built can be destroyed. It is the song of the ephemeral, the breath of change, the promise of rebirth in the heart of destruction.