Our journey through the mystical world of tarot cards begins with the card The World. This card represents harmony, balance, and completeness. Carrying ancestral wisdom, it guides the seeker towards a deep understanding of their own quest. Its presence in a reading opens paths to self-knowledge and the secrets of the universe.
Meaning of the card The World
The World is a very positive card in the Tarot. It symbolizes accomplishment, success, and harmony. It is a card that indicates you have reached a level of flourishing and spiritual understanding.
accomplishment, integration, journey, success, realization, harmony, balance, fullness, universe, totality, freedom, reward, completion, cycle, end, beginning, perfection, unity
The World upright
The World card upright is very positive, symbolizing accomplishment and success. It represents perfect harmony, balance, and the realization of goals. It is a sign of completeness, the completion of a cycle, and the celebration of successes. This card often heralds a period of peace, well-being, and abundance. It encourages you to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
The World reversed
When the World card appears reversed in a Marseille Tarot reading, it may indicate a feeling of incompleteness or restriction. You may feel blockages preventing you from realizing your full potential or achieving your goals. It is time to reflect on what is holding you back and to seek ways to overcome these obstacles and find harmony.
The World in love
The World card in the Tarot symbolizes accomplishment and harmony in love. It indicates a fulfilling relationship where you feel connected and supported by your partner. It is a sign of universal and unconditional love. If you are single, it may herald the meeting of a significant relationship that will bring great joy and completeness to your life.
Combinations with The World
The World is a card of realization and accomplishment. It brings a positive and harmonious tone to a tarot reading. In interaction with other cards, it can indicate the culmination of a cycle or the realization of a goal. It can also amplify the positive energies of surrounding cards or mitigate negative influences. It is a card that promotes unity, completeness, and balance. See The World and its combinations
In the whirlwind of eternity, dances a sphere of harmony, a round of life and destiny. It is The World, the canvas woven by the hands of time, where each thread is a story, each knot a meeting. It is the song of the earth, the whisper of the stars, the laughter of rivers, and the sigh of mountains. It is the mirror of the universe, the reflection of infinity, the painting of creation. It is the open book of our lives, where each page is a day, each word an emotion. It is The World, the grand theater of existence, where each act is a step, each curtain a finale, and each applause a new beginning.