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Three of Cups


    At the heart of the spiritual journey that tarot offers, Three of Cups acts as a compass for the soul. It can also represent the care and attention given to a child, highlighting the importance of parent-child relationships. Three of Cups is a powerful symbol, inviting reflection, personal growth, and spiritual flourishing. Its meaning resonates with the deep aspirations of being.

    Meaning of the Three of Cups card

    The Three of Cups symbolizes birth, newness bringing joy, care for children, and parent-child relationships. It also evokes joint projects based on emotions rather than material interests.


    birth, something new brings joy and happiness, taking care of a child, parent-child relationship issues, a joint project motivated by feelings and not just by interests,

    Three of Cups upright

    The Three of Cups upright evokes a period of celebration and happiness. This card symbolizes the birth or arrival of something new that brings joy. It can also represent the care and attention given to a child, as well as the affectionate bonds between parents and children. It is a positive sign for projects undertaken with love and passion.

    Three of Cups reversed

    The Three of Cups reversed in the Tarot often symbolizes relational difficulties, particularly within the family. It may indicate a feeling of exclusion or imbalance in a group dynamic, where two individuals ally and isolate a third. This orientation suggests tensions and a lack of harmony in celebrations or gatherings.

    Three of Cups in love

    The Three of Cups in love is a positive sign, heralding moments of happiness and celebration. It suggests the birth of new relationships or the renewal of existing love. This is not only romantic love but also family affection and care for children that are highlighted. Joint projects are built on emotional foundations, promising a sincere and joyful union.

    Combinations with Three of Cups

    The Three of Cups brings a touch of celebration and freshness to your reading. It suggests the emergence of new ideas or situations imbued with happiness and emotional bonds, particularly within the family or heartfelt projects. Its positive energy can influence neighboring cards, reinforcing aspects of joy and affectionate care. See Three of Cups and its combinations

    Like three drops of dew on a spider’s web, a new life awakens, splashing the world with joy and light. A small being, fragile and precious, that needs to be cherished, like a seed that needs sun and water to grow. An invisible bond, stronger than steel, weaves between generations, uniting hearts in a common project, where love prevails over gain.