The Cups dive into the realm of emotions, relationships, and spiritual connection. They reflect our ability to love, to feel, and to bond with others. Explore these cards to understand the flows of your emotional life and your interactions.

I-Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups symbolizes the beginning of a new romance, a spark of budding love. It evokes the expression of warm feelings, an opening of the heart.

II-Two of Cups
The Two of Cups symbolizes a strong partnership, often romantic or a close personal alliance. It highlights interpersonal dynamics, based on social norms.

III-Three of Cups
The Three of Cups card symbolizes birth, the arrival of a new element that brings joy and happiness. It can also represent the care and attention given to a child, highlighting the importance of parent-child relationships.

IIII-Four of Cups
The Four of Cups symbolizes the importance of family and community. It evokes a deep sense of belonging and shared history.

V-Five of Cups
The Five of Cups evokes the importance of bonds and relationships in our lives. This card suggests popularity or a connection with many people.

VI-Six of Cups
The Six of Cups evokes continuity, a cycle that perpetuates endlessly. It also symbolizes a long-term, solid, and lasting relationship.

VII-Seven of Cups
The Seven of Cups symbolizes the individuality and uniqueness of each person. This card evokes the search for one’s own place within a group or community.

VIII-Eight of Cups
The Eight of Cups evokes the importance of personal involvement in relationships. This card suggests an environment conducive to the flourishing of human relationships.

VIIII-Nine of Cups
The Nine of Cups symbolizes a harmonious community where everyone finds their place. This card evokes the importance of accepting one’s role within a group or organization.

X-Ten of Cups
The Ten of Cups evokes a natural leader, endowed with special qualities that distinguish them from others. This card symbolizes appreciation and recognition, reflecting a high status in society.

XI-Page of Cups
The Page of Cups symbolizes a budding romantic adventure, full of uncertainties and hesitant first steps. It evokes a charming shyness, that of beginnings where everything is still to be discovered.

XII-Knight of Cups
The Knight of Cups symbolizes a romantic gesture, a sincere declaration of love. This card evokes the opening of the heart, sincerity, and simplicity of feelings.

XIII-Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups symbolizes hidden emotional depth, often kept secret. It may indicate the need to protect one’s privacy or precious belongings.

XIIII-King of Cups
The King of Cups symbolizes emotional maturity, the ability to manage one’s feelings with wisdom and balance. He embodies optimism, the ability to see the bright side of things despite difficulties.