The Wands symbolize inner fire, creative energy, and action. They invite us to pursue our passions, initiate projects, and embrace change with courage. Discover how this series illuminates your dynamism and desire for expansion.

I-Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands symbolizes a powerful creative impulse, an explosion of ideas and inspiration. This card can also represent an active sexuality, a burning passion, and an intense attraction.

II-Two of Wands
The Two of Wands evokes a crossroads, symbolizing a choice to be made between several options or paths. Each path offered by this card provides distinct advantages, inviting reflection.

III-Three of Wands
The Three of Wands card symbolizes direction and progress after a period of uncertainty. It suggests finding a balance between two options, rather than choosing a side.

IIII-Four of Wands
The Four of Wands evokes a standstill, a necessary stop to better move forward later. It suggests present tensions but promises beautiful long-term prospects.

V-Five of Wands
The Five of Wands symbolizes the challenge of overcoming opposition, even if it is weak. This card evokes the collapse of a balance, indicating a period of change and upheaval.

VI-Six of Wands
The Six of Wands symbolizes a fruitful collaboration between two parties with distinct goals. This card evokes a solid alliance, based on common interests, despite different goals.

VII-Seven of Wands
The Seven of Wands evokes an intense struggle, often against multiple opponents. It symbolizes stubbornness and endurance, two qualities necessary to maintain one’s position in a conflict.

VIII-Eight of Wands
The Eight of Wands evokes the necessity to follow the rules to move forward. This card highlights a concern for short-term goals.

VIIII-Nine of Wands
The Nine of Wands evokes a sudden interruption in your life. It symbolizes difficulties and oppositions that seem insurmountable.

X-Ten of Wands
The Ten of Wands evokes unwavering loyalty, even in the face of major challenges. It symbolizes a partnership or alliance that, despite trials, manages to overcome them.

XI-Page of Wands
The Page of Wands symbolizes creative potential waiting to be harnessed. It suggests a cautious approach, keeping a certain distance from events.

XII-Knight of Wands
The Knight of Wands symbolizes a change of direction, a new path to explore. It encourages following one’s impulses and passions, listening to one’s instinct.

XIII-Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands symbolizes a strong and independent woman. She also evokes themes related to food and consumption, suggesting an appreciation for earthly pleasures.

XIIII-King of Wands
The King of Wands symbolizes maturity in the face of desires and impulses, self-control. He embodies controlled creativity, an ability to channel his creative energy productively.